Company Application Form Property Application Details Company Name * Address of Property Applied For * Monthly Rent * Proposed Entry Date * Use of Property * Guarantor Director Details Name * First Name Last Name Residential Address * If less than 3 years please provide full address history for 3 years Date of Birth * Phone Number * Email * Email Permissions * Should I be successful in my application to rent the above accommodation I agree to the email address above being used as my preferred method of communication during the lease. I also agree to notify the landlord of any changes to my email address during the application process and during the lease. Yes No Passport Number * National Insurance Number * Are you authorised to sign on behalf of the Company? * Yes No Employment Details Job Title * Company Name * Company Address * Name of Referee * First Name Last Name Email Address * Telephone Number * Position Held * Annual Income * Length of Service * Contract Type * Full Time Part Time Contract Non Employment Income Give details of any other income For example, state benefits Next of Kin/Emergency Contact Name * First Name Last Name Relationship * Address * Telephone Number * Email * Declaration I confirm that the information provided above is true and accurate and I authorise the landlord to share the information with other agencies, organisations and individuals for the purpose of carrying out credit and reference checks and seeking additional information. The landlord will handle all information provided sensitively and in accordance with data protection legislation. The landlord will inform the applicant as soon as possible about the outcome of the application. I understand that completing this application form does not commit the landlord or applicant to a tenancy. Name First Name Last Name Date * Thank you!